Week 53
Well this week we had
transfers! I just saw the new list of where everyone is- lots of changes! Tons
of people were moved around this transfer. My new companion's name is Sister
Bennion she is from Utah. She is really funny, and so excited to work together
for the sisters. I am so blessed! She has so many new ideas and insights about
how to help Tayabas progress. That's pretty much the big news this week!
We had a really insightful
lesson with one of our investigators this past week. She has been reading the
Book of Mormon and was really interested in the message of the Restoration. As
we were following up with her prayers, she told us she had not prayed to ask
Heavenly Father if the Book of Mormon was true. After some questions and
intense listening to her and trying to discern the Spirit, we felt like she was
afraid that the answer from Heavenly Father might be "yes, this is a true
book and this is the true church." So we talked with her about it and she
said that was right. She knew that she wouldn't be willing to act on the
message so she didn't want to hold herself accountable after knowing it was
true. She was choosing to be ignorant about it. It made me so sad! Conference
was a few days later and I really payed attention to the talks given about
moral agency and finding truth. I know that He gave us agency to choose His
plan and to choose to live His commandments. I am so grateful for this gift,
and the consequences that have resulted from using my agency righteously. I
thought about this woman, and how sad I was that she was choosing not to learn
and progress. But as missionaries, we are just here to invite. It's like the
rest of us, Christ invites us to come unto Him constantly in the scriptures. We
can choose to accept. I love that about the plan of salvation. It allows for SO
much progression as individual agents.
Conference was so comforting!
Such a blessing. I got answers to so many questions. I especially loved how
cool it was to hear other languages! My new companion is so loving and has so
many insights of how we can better help the ward in their missionary work. We
have some great goals to serve and get to know Bishop better, then to also
serve the auxiliaries more. I feel so inadequate to be in this area, with this
calling, and all of the things that I know I don't have together yet. But I
have felt so much comfort and approval of Heavenly Father this week. It's hard
to be obedient and righteous and sometimes be standing alone, even with other
missionaries around you who have the same responsibilities as you. But it's the
same covenant we have all made. And we are all trying to keep them! My
testimony has been tried so much this past week in that principle. I have lots
of growing and changing to do, as I have realized that the temptations to
revert back to old ways comes back every now and then. But I know as we all
help each other and be patient and humble in how we view ourselves and those
around us, the Lord will qualify and magnify us in the things He has asked us
to do.
We are also moving apartments
this week during our weekend of interviews with President! It will be another
crazy week.
Sister Gaspar de Alba
an FHE with Palad Family! They remind me of big crazy Whetten get togethers. |
I love these kids |
the Lucena zone sisters right before transfers |
I love this cool line in the scriptures |
Yay! the sign on the way to our church here in Tayabas! |
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