Week 60
Okay so first of all- I would
just like to acknowledge the fact publicly that I officially have 10 weeks left
on my mission. In hopes that doing so, will help me accept it in my own head. I
am working on my goals still from my year mark and really trying to reach them!
But mostly, I'm just working harder than ever, trying to enjoy every second and
just focus. This week was pretty eventful. We officially found all of the
investigators from our area book, got dropped by almost all of the ones with
baptismal goal dates, had 2 random sisters show up at church asking us when
they could be taught (!!!) then have been running around contacting referrals
from the office.
I loved last week, I laughed
SO much. It was such a special privilege to work with Sister Pajo and see how
much she has grown. She has continued to improve and is becoming such a leader.
Monday was literally the happiest day ever, as we got to work together. Sister
Viloria is doing great and learning so quickly. She had a hard time on Thursday
after 3 appointments that were pretty tough. We felt the Spirit really working
through us as we pled with these investigators to follow the promptings they
have been receiving. But all 3 of them dropped us and completely rejected the
gospel that we have been teaching them. She cried on the way home. I felt so
sad really mostly because of how sad i knew my companion was. She asked me,
"sister, why do they reject the thing that will make them the happiest and
trade it for things of lesser importance and value?" her question made me
think. It's like every time we make a bad decision or waste the agency we have
been given. Why do we continually choose wrong when we know clearly what's
right? I think our Heavenly Father feels much that way. But I told her that we
do our part, we are sad about their decision, but we are never
I wish all of you could meet
the hilarious members in the Rosario ward. I LOVE this ward. I loved them
immediately. It is full of old nanays who just make everyone laugh all day. I
will tell more funny stories to follow...when I figure out how to relay the
things they said in english and for it still to be funny.
I am continuing to work on
patience and we are looking and praying and talking to everyone to find the
people the Lord is preparing for us to share the gospel with.
Have a good week, everyone!
You all should go watch the share the gift video it is SO good, the one that
the church just put out. I wish i could share it. But for all of you reading
this that can, I would encourage you to take this opportunity to share it with
friends and family and use it to share your testimony of our Savior and how
living his teachings has helped you draw nearer to him.
Love to all!
Sister Gaspar de Alba
this is my only picture for the week! I got to work with these two great sisters on Monday. I was having a little emotional fest with my 2 kids! |