Week 71: a.k.a The last week.
Okay well this has been a
very emotional week to say the least. Right now we are sitting in the computer
shop, just came from the careers workshop. I am sitting with my previous
companion Sister Bennion and 2 other sisters from my district in the MTC. We
got to the mission home yesterday afternoon and were interviewed, then got to
just spend time together sharing experiences and catching up. IT is SO fun to
see the whole batch. i have to say though, saying goodbye to Sister Viloria,
Taufa, and Pajo broke my heart.
So starting from the
beginning, we had a fun p-day having lunch with the district and doing some
last minute souvenir shopping. Tuesday was pretty normal, and Wednesday too.
Thursday the other sisters had a wedding and baptism, and Friday was the day of
lasts. We said goodbye to everyone and got prepped for the special meeting on
That meeting was wonderful.
President Beck is so inspired. He gave us an opportunity to ask questions and
there were many wonderful questions asked. One elder in my batch asked about
staying out of the world, even after we go home. President Mangum and Beck
talked about how really the secret is just to continue doing the things we
learned on our mission. Keep studying, praying fervently, and finding people to
invite to come unto Christ.
I didn't want to share any specific
experience this week, just how i feel right now and my testimony. I feel so
much peace and comfort. I feel this kind of satisfaction that I know is coming
from the Spirit. The way I explained it to a new sister a few days ago is like
this: In no way do I feel I have been a perfect missionary and done everything
right. But I feel I really gave the Lord 100% my whole mission. I feel like I
have lost myself, and in turn am filled with gratitude because I have truly
found myself. Not the same self I was before, but the self that Heavenly Father
wants me to become. I feel like I am getting closer to reaching my divine
potential. And the most satisfying part of it all, was that happened without me
even noticing because I was trying to help others reach theirs'. The Atonement
is real. I am so indebted to my Savior for what he sacrificed for me. But I
know that instead of trying to pay it back, I need to continue paying it
forward by always bringing this gift to others. I love this gospel and know
that it has the power unto salvation. We can truly become like the God who sent
us here if we follow His plan. I know that plan is perfect for everyone,
regardless of circumstance, I have learned that here in the Philippines. No one
is exempt or excluded from receiving the ordinances necessary for salvation. I
know that agency is a true principle and I am so grateful that Joseph Smith
used his to learn truth and then to restore the true church of Christ. I love
the Book of Mormon, it has great power combined with the Spirit. My mission is
sacred ground for me, I feel like this sense of holiness when I reflect on
everything that has happened and everything Heavenly Father has allowed me to
experience. I cannot thank my family and friends enough for the endless prayers,
love and support you have all given to me. Have a good week everyone! See you
soon! (:
Sister Gaspar de Alba
the zone leaders invited us to lunch on Monday for goodbyes! |
last district meeting! |
this is a wonderful couple in my ward |
this is the mother of our bishop we have been visiting once a week since I got to Rosario. She truly has a special place in my heart. |
don't worry Abuelo, I finally made it to Spain! |
saying goodbyes to Elder Callianga |
after lots of laughs, and a few tears I finally was able to say goodbye to this wonderful sister who has truly changed me. |
the members from Calauan (my second area) CAME TO THE MISSION HOME! I was so excited to see them! |
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