Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 39 - Lots of study time and Farewell to the Petersons

This week was pretty much the same as last! Sad to say, we were in literally ALL week. My poor companion had to do a 2 day liquid diet and they still don't know what is wrong with her! But it was still a really great week.

So after wasting a little time with very little direction in my studies on monday and half of tuesday, I asked her for study tips. And she is really great at that so it helped a lot. Then i made some goals on what I wanted to work on to improve in teaching and the work overall. Then i went to work! And we had a really great week practicing teaching and really trying to teach for understanding. I have been reading The teachings of Joseph Smith, Jesus The Christ, and a lot of scriptures. On Friday night I was writing in my journal and I was remembering my second transfer in the mission when my companion got sick and we were in a lot. And I went back and read what i wrote. I was sad and frustrated and wasting a lot of time feeling sorry for myself. I was SO glad that this time around, there was a huge difference in my attitude. With a lot of prayer and humbling, I have been able to learn from studies and other missionaries how to make the best of any situation we are in. So that's what last week was. It was a really great opportunity to just get into the scriptures and grow in knowledge. I got to spend a lot of time getting to know my companion and trying to help her. She was so down last week! Super sad and discouraged. And as I focused on her, I felt less discouraged. Our area is seriously suffering and that is really hard. But with her as my priority, i didn't worry or stress. I know Heavenly Father was pleased with us last week. That is the best feeling. Thank goodness Heavenly Father gives us many opportunities to learn and grow. Because I usually don't get the lessons behind it the first time around!

President Peterson left yesterday and on friday we get to meet President Mangum! President Peterson came by on tuesday to say goodbye and we had a really great chat about life. He asked us for questions and gave us some good direction. He talked a lot about the temple and the importance of covenants we make there with our Heavenly Father. He told us that in order to live the doctrine and always be growing and becoming better, we should strive to be the type of members that don't go to the temple on the last day of the month. Harsh, right? But i thought about it...and it makes sense to me now. What he means is, that's church culture. But to really understand our covenants and seek revelation, we should go as often as we can. And why wouldn't we? It's the closest place to heaven. I really hope and pray that my family members who haven't yet experienced these blessings will feel a desire to. I am so grateful for these opportunities and all I'm learning!

We had a really great Family Home Evening last night with a family in our ward. They literally invited all their neighbors and it was so fun. We talked about communication skills and how we can improve communicating in our families. Their neighbors got to know us and they got to feel The Spirit being in a home with the gospel. It was PERFECT! What a great opportunity for them to share their testimonies. We were so grateful for their willingness to do that for their friends.

Have a great week all! Your prayers and love is much appreciated!

SIster Gaspar de Alba

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