Week 26
SO good. Every week is so good these days. We started off
with a really great zone con and then were able to teach like 75% of our
lessons this week with members present which was awesome. Because of that, our
investigators took huge steps in their conversion process. The other sisters
had a baptism Saturday. Three of our investigators came and really
felt The Spirit witness to them that they needed to be baptized. It got SUPER
hot this week!
On saturday we had the opportunity to clean our church
building. We didn't tell any of the members and when we showed up to the
baptism I was expecting everyone to notice but literally NO one noticed. I was
a little sad. It is not cleaned very often at all, especially the way we
cleaned it. So then as I was walking home from the baptism feeling frustrated
that none of the members cared if the church was clean or dirty, i totally had
an epiphany. I remembered something President said in his talk at zone
conference about the sacrament. How we should never take it for granted again,
especially after he chastised us all when he taught us the significance of the
sacrament. I realized that the reason the members didn't notice was because it
wasn't important to them. And I realized that about the sacrament for myself.
The reason I had been taking it for granted was because it wasn't important
enough for me. After the baptism on Saturday bishop asked the 4 of us to speak.
So we had family prayer like we do every night with our ward mission leader and
the ward missionaries to think of what our members needed to hear from us. We
felt like we needed to teach Lesson 3- The Gospel of Jesus Christ. It went SO
well. I was so grateful for the opportunity to prepare
myself spiritually to teach my favorite topic- the laws of
So here's a joke- the zone leaders asked me to be in charge
of our zone t-shirt because they heard i was artistic. I hope all of you
laughed at that! Then I really started to miss pup. Where is she when I need
This week was so great, we found some new investigators we
are really excited to teach! 3 of them are the mom and sisters of a member who
is about to leave on a mission. We got to teach their family yesterday about
faith. He bore such a powerful testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel as
he shared with his family his desire for them to be sealed in the temple. They
are not yet members and it's been really hard on him. I was so grateful fore
his strength and his faith. What an example to someone like me who comes from a
family full of active members of the church. How grateful I am for my
Have a great week all!
Sister Gaspar de Alba
me and sister seastrand at zone con! |
sister williams who is now in my zone. YES |
this is probably my favorite elder of all time. He's the best! |
got to see some old friends from cabuyao! |
this is like the filipino equivalent of a sonic slush. they have them everywhere now because it's so hot here! called a halo-halo. so good! |
we deep cleaned the church on saturday. it took SO long! But it was so worth it. |
we all spoke at church yesterday! ps- i totally found this shirt at an ukay-ukay here for 20 pesos. |